SHAUN OF THE DEAD : Opening scene
the film starts in the middle of a conversation with shaun’s vacant non blinking expression start to camera which is ironically like a zombie - the audience is jumped into the action ; links the zombie theme to him ; zoom out shot establishes his character with his actions (smoking n drinking)
its then cut abruptly with liz’s voice ‘are u listening?’ - pulls himn us out of the trance and this fourth wall break is … broken. establishes her character : grounding, in the moment / film ; his girlfriend (the genre of rom com is introduced)
the music is this qind instrumental thats a mix of both zom creepy n slightly cheerry?
jumps from each character to express the conversation going from each person like a tennis match ; why is liz upset? < their barrier to their relationship is the Ed, who the camera then pans to:
this slob of a man playing the pin ball machine : do you have a life? his clothes his disregard for the state of them and his actions (playing the pinball game) suggests he has no goals in life ; no motivation and is later verbally confirmed
shauns relationship with ed is holding him back in every other relationship n overbearing him in every way
the film does well to make the pub look realistic : fts background noises and extras like the bartender n exiting noise as well as realisticpans over the entirety of the pub which is later the vital point of the film (i assume) it also provides clarity when talking about a charcater by cutting to said person to place face to name
cut to title sequence
features random people in a town with gormless ; zombie-like actions relating back to the zombie theme which foreshadows n sets up what the film is
theres a then shot into shaun and ed’s partment where he seems j as unkept suggesting his (home) life is fairly dull n foreshadowing tells us this is subject to change ; his personal development is about to begin
theres an idea of mundanity being compared to zombie-ness… but also there are repeated everyday synchronised actions also playing a role in this implying that the everyday tedious nature of humans is similr to a common zombie
the film has a bright blue wash , complete contrast to traditional zombie films to show that it Isnt a traditional zombie film
with untraditional places for a zom film
the same same mid pan shot is repeated again and again sort of like a conformity to the traditional
we Then go to shaun n eds apartment where we get a pan of just his legs, a usually creepy shot to portray a villain or creep but is used unorthodox for innocent shaun
he then shouts like in zombie movies taking another jab at them, but also is suggestive that maybe he is the villain of the film and the causation of what is about to happen?
Working class Middle class
Pub Restaurant Pint Glass of wine
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