SHAUN OF THE DEAD : Opening scene
the film starts in the middle of a conversation with shaun’s vacant non blinking expression start to camera which is ironically like a zombie - the audience is jumped into the action ; links the zombie theme to him ; zoom out shot establishes his character with his actions (smoking n drinking) its then cut abruptly with liz’s voice ‘are u listening?’ - pulls himn us out of the trance and this fourth wall break is … broken. establishes her character : grounding, in the moment / film ; his girlfriend (the genre of rom com is introduced) the music is this qind instrumental thats a mix of both zom creepy n slightly cheerry? jumps from each character to express the conversation going from each person like a tennis match ; why is liz upset? < their barrier to their relationship is the Ed, who the camera then pans to: this slob of a man playing the pin ball machine : do you have a life? his clothes his disregard for the state of them and his actions (playing the pinball game) su...